AIML Projects

Abstract:Develop a machine learning model to detect stress based on sleeping habit Reach Us

Abstract: Develop a deep learning model to detect electricity theft.Reach Us

Develop a machine learning model to detect Edible and Poisonous MushroomsReach Us

Abstract: Develop a neural network model to detect intrusion in network Reach Us

Abstract: Develop a machine learning model to search feature selection Reach Us

Abstract: Develop a CNN learning model to detect Novel Wireless Network Intrusion Reach Us

Develop a machine learning model to detect Trust Evaluation Model for Social Internet of Things. Reach Us

Abstract: Develop a deep learning model to detect cardiac disease from retinal images, aiding early diagnosis.Reach Us

Abstract: Create an AI system to track and predict glaucoma progression, enhancing patient care.Reach Us

Abstract: Explore AI-guided therapies for optic nerve regeneration to restore vision.Reach Us

Abstract: Implement AI algorithms to identify AMD signs, facilitating prompt treatment.Reach Us

Abstract: Develop telemedicine solutions for remote eye disease screening using AI.Reach Us

Abstract: Create an AI navigation system to assist surgeons during retinal surgeries.Reach Us

Abstract: Utilize ML to customize glaucoma treatment plans based on patient data.Reach Us

Abstract: Improve pediatric eye cancer diagnosis with AI for early intervention.Reach Us

Abstract: Implement deep learning to grade cataract severity and prioritize surgeries.Reach Us

Abstract: Develop AI-assisted vision rehabilitation programs for visually impaired individuals.Reach Us

Abstract: Develop a deep learning model to predict heart disease risk.Reach Us

Abstract: Create an AI system to detect heart rhythm abnormalities in ECG.Reach Us

Abstract: Utilize machine learning for personalized heart failure diagnosis and treatment. Reach Us

Abstract: Design a wearable device for real-time heart rate monitoring and alerts.Reach Us

Abstract: Accelerate drug discovery for heart diseases through AI-based screening.Reach Us

Abstract: Enhancing pediatric radiology through AI-powered image analysis and diagnosis.Reach Us

Abstract: Speed up drug discovery using NLP and ML for text analysis.Reach Us

Abstract: Create a virtual pathologist for automated tumor diagnosis in pathology slides.Reach Us

Abstract: Developing a predictive model for stroke risk using patient data.Reach Us

Abstract: An AI-powered solution for accurate brain tumor localization and diagnosis.Reach Us

Abstract: Applying AI to EEG data for rapid seizure detection and response.Reach Us

Abstract: Enhancing radiology with AI to identify and classify brain lesions.Reach Us

Abstract: Tailoring neurology treatments based on AI-generated patient insights.Reach Us

Abstract: Enabling communication for patients with paralysis using AI powered BCIs.Reach Us

Abstract: AI-based analysis of EEG data to diagnose and treat sleep disorders.Reach Us

Abstract: Creating engaging AI-driven games for brain injury rehabilitation.Reach Us

Abstract: Developing a realistic AI-driven simulator to train neurosurgeons effectively.Reach Us

Abstract: Develop an AI system to analyze echocardiogram images for heart disease.Reach Us

Abstract: Enable remote cardiac rehab programs with AI-driven monitoring and feedback.Reach Us

Abstract: Build a predictive model for heart attack risk using diverse health data.Reach Us

Abstract: Improve remote cardiology services with AI-assisted diagnostics and treatment recommendations.Reach Us

Abstract: Utilizing AI to find existing drugs for rare disease treatments.Reach Us

Abstract: Develop a model to predict Alzheimer's progression from MRI scans.Reach Us

Abstract: Using AI to diagnose skin cancer early with dermoscopy images.Reach Us

Abstract: Creating an AI system for diabetic retinopathy diagnosis from retinal images.Reach Us

Abstract: AI-based platform predicts drug interactions for personalized cancer treatment plans.Reach Us

Abstract: Applying AI to genomic data to identify rare and undiagnosed diseases.Reach Us

Abstract: Develop an AI system to detect sepsis early in ICU patients.Reach Us